The Art of Hosting Meaningful Gatherings with Ashlyn Carter
In this week’s episode of The About Her Podcast, I chat with my friend, Ashlyn Carter. Ashlyn is a Southern California mom of three, and is married to her best friend, Travis. After a very successful career in event planning and floristry, Ashlyn decided to bring her experience and practical tips to youtube. On her Youtube channel, Ashlyn shares weekly lifestyle content focused on faith, motherhood, marriage, home decor, baking, floristry, and hospitality. She and her husband are also fellow podcasters.
Show Notes
Why is hospitality compelling or important to you?
What passages of scripture have informed your understanding of hospitality and hosting others?
What are the first steps you take in the event planning process?
How early do you begin inviting guests and how do you feel about RSVP’s?
What are some of your hospitality decor and serveware staples?
Where do you like to shop for your serveware staples?
Are there any pantry staples you have on hand just in case you end up hosting someone at the last minute?
What are some of your favorite easy brunch recipes?
How do you balance making everything from scratch yourself and buying ready-made food items? Do you have any go-to ready-made items?
What are your top 2-3 money-saving tips for the woman planning an event like this on a tighter budget?
What are practical ways that you personally hold yourself accountable in maintaining a proper spirit and Christ-like attitude when hosting others?
What are practical ways that you ensure that your guests feel welcome at your table?
What practical advice would you offer women who are nervous about guiding conversation while hosting?
Do you have any advice on how to transition small talk into more meaningful discussion?
Do you have any go-to conversation starters?
What are easy ways that you have learned to get your kids involved in hosting others?
At the end of the day (or the end of an event) how would you say a small get together like a Galantine’s Day brunch could bring glory to God?
Notable Quotations
“The most important thing is how we make people who come into our home feel loved, known, and connected.”
“Hospitality is such a gift.”
“As humans, and especially as women, we want to feel connected to others.”
“I want others to feel safe, loved, and known when they come into our home.”
“Our hospitality doesn’t have to be extravagant and it doesn’t have to look a certain way.”
“It’s the act of inviting people that matters the most.”
“You want to enjoy the process too. You don’t want to be so scrambled and crazy that you aren’t enjoying hosting others.”
“People rarely notice if your house is clean or dirty, but they know that they felt loved, known and invited.”
“Keep it simple!”
“Have a heart that is about others. Keep this posture in your heart.”
“Have questions tucked away ahead of time to ask each of your guests.”
“People will always be excited to share about their lives.”
Recommended Resources
A Life That Says Welcome by Karen Ehman
A Lifegiving Home by Sally Clarkson
The Bible Recap Plan
Scripture References
Luke 10 (Mary & Martha)