The Sabbath & Rest with Emily Jensen
Emily is an author, a podcaster, and the co-founder and content director at Risen Motherhood. One of her primary aims is to apply timeless Gospel truths to all areas of life. You can read how she applies these timeless truths to life in Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope For Everyday Moments, a book she co-authored with her sister-in-law Laura Wifler, as well as in Social Sanity in an Insta World.
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Show Notes
How would you define “Rest”?
How does the Bible define “Rest?”
How would you suggest the world defines “Rest?” How does this definition differ from a biblical definition?
What is Sabbath or the Sabbath?
How do we see the sabbath described in Scripture and what is the point of the Sabbath?
What is the connection between the Sabbath and rest?
Ultimately, what is the sabbath supposed to point us to?
Is rest (or Sabbath) commanded in Scripture? If so, where? Why is it such a big deal to “dishonor the sabbath?”
What does honoring the sabbath look like for us today?
Why is rest an essential regular rhythm to establish?
How do we ensure that our resting pushes us toward Christ, and why is it essential that we allow our resting to do this?
What might prevent us from resting (in a biblical sense)?
Practically speaking, what should we do when we struggle to rest/find rest?
How do we ensure that we don’t resort to poor stewardship of our time when we are resting?
How do we know if we have rested well?
Does every believer’s sabbath need to look the same? If not, what does need to look the same?
Is there a connection between the idea of bringing order to chaos and our ability to rest well in our spaces?
Noteworthy Quotations
“When I think about rest, I think about ceasing from our work in order to be refreshed by and rejoice in God, His Work, and His good gifts.”
“It’s less about God who kicked up His feet because He was tired, and more about God who came to a very good stopping point and who was pleased and satisfied with what He has made.”
“Rest is not a function of the fall, rest is something God designed for and planned for all along.”
“Ultimately, we are looking forward to when all of Creation will get to rest.”
“Our in order to has everything to do with being refreshed by and rejoicing in God and His good gifts.”
“Sabbath was a physical picture of something that would become a spiritual reality.”
“If we are not covenanted with Christ and united with him, if we are not rested in Him, we die.”
“I think we hold the Sabbath and the Old Testament in the context of Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:17.”
“We honor the Sabbath by believing the Gospel.”
“A rhythm is something thoughtful and proactive, it’s thinking ahead and ordering our life according to God’s priorities, before we are in the midst of something really hard.”
“If we don’t have saving faith, there is going to be a deep unrest inside of us.”
“How can I cease from whatever normal work I am doing in a way that helps me enjoy God and appreciate what He has given?”
“You can have a heart at rest no matter what season you are in.”
“A heart that is at rest can stop checking things off the list for a little while.”
“What things tend to encourage me to rest in Christ and His good gifts and what things tend to cause my heart to turn away?”
Recommended Resources
Risen Motherhood (Podcast)
Risen Motherhood (Book)
Scripture References
Genesis 1-2
Genesis 1:14
Romans 8:21
Exodus 20:8-11
Hebrews 4:10
Ephesians 1:6
Philippians 2:13
Exodus 31:13
Exodus 35:2
Matthew 5:17
1 Timothy 4:4-5
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