Scripture Meditation with Felicity Carswell
Felicity Carswell is a co-founder and co-host of the popular podcast, Two Sisters and a Cup of Tea. On the podcast, Felicity and her sister chat through the Bible in hopes that the truths of God’s Word will be driven into the hearts of everyday listeners. These Bible chats usually occur over a cup of tea and an English biscuit. Felicity lives in Illinois with her husband, Jonathan, and two young sons. Although a native of England, She and her family are currently living in America with, selling Christian books.
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Show Notes
How would you define, “Scripture Meditation?”
Why do you believe Meditation upon Scripture is an essential Spiritual Discipline?
How does meditation in this way differ from other forms of meditation popular within Eastern religious traditions?
Is there anything we need to be mindful of as we think about meditation from a clearly Christian/Biblical perspective?
Do the Scriptures speak about meditation upon God’s Word? If so, where?
What is the connection between Bible study and Scripture Meditation? How are these two disciplines similar or distinct from one another?
Why is an in-depth study of Scripture just as important as an overview study of Scripture?
What is the connection between Scripture Meditation and Prayer? Do you believe there is a connection?
All things being considered above, how would you describe the goal or the point of Scripture Meditation?
What are a few benefits of Scripture Meditation? Which of these benefits have been most beneficial to you personally?
Are there any specific methods of Scripture Meditation that you prefer or recommend?
Are there any helpful questions a woman might be able to ask herself as she meditates upon a text of Scripture?
At what point should we move on from a text? Is it possible to sit with a text for “too long?
How would you encourage a woman who might say, “I’m not good at sitting with a text, I would rather quickly read through the text.”
What challenge would you offer a woman who believes she doesn’t need to sit with a text for a long period of time?
What are your top tips for getting started with Scripture Meditation?
Is there a good (or better) place to start?
Are there any resources you recommend on the topic of Scripture Meditation?
Noteworthy Quotations
“I think the word, ‘Meditation’ simply means, ‘Considered Thought.’ When we are talking about Scripture Meditation, we are talking about simply taking the time to think on God’s Word. Reading it, dwelling in it, thinking on it, allowing ourselves to soak in the Scriptures.”
“God is at work through His Word by His Spirit. As we read it, dwell in it, meditate on it, we are allowing God to be at work in us through His Spirit.”
“If we don’t spend time in God’s Word, it’s almost as if we are shutting the door on God in what He is doing in us and through us. As we meditate on Scripture, we are allowing God to be at Work in us and we can be sure that is happening every time we open the Bible and sit with it. He is changing us through it by the Work of His Spirit.”
“I think it’s actually almost more than a discipline. It’s really like a life-giving everything.”
“Scripture meditation is really a building up rather than an emptying. We are trying to anchor ourselves more and more in these God-given words that give us a right view of the world, of ourselves, of the Lord.”
“The more we fill our minds with the Scriptures, the more we feel that firm footing.”
“As we pray in what we have been reading, that Scripture will begin to shape us all the more because we are dependent upon the Lord and that dependency is most evident through prayer.”
“As we are in the Word, our prayer lives begin to change. And as a result of your prayer life changing, your life begins to change.”
“As we meditate on Scripture, we see God more clearly through His Word and we delight in Jesus. Doing this allows God through His Spirit to work in us and through us.”
“The aim is that we would enjoy God more and as we do, we are also changed by the work of His Spirit in His Word.”
“What does this passage teach me about our trinitarian God?”
“We aren’t used to sitting with anything so there is an element of training required to do this.”
“The more we spend time in Scripture, the deeper we go with God Himself.”
“You may not feel you need it, but have you realized what this really is and how good it is? How good our God is?”
“Try and soak in it, rather than skim it.”
Recommended Resources
Sheltering Mercy by Dan Wilt and Ryan Whitaker Smith
Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney
Tumbling Skies and Be Still by Matt Searles
Topical Bible Memorization by The Navigators
Scripture References
John 6:63
Psalm 119 (v. 1-8, 15, 48)
1 Peter 2:2
Ephesians 1
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