Home with Caroline Saunders
Caroline is a writer, teacher, and creator. She is the author of many wonderful books including Good News: How to Know the Gospel and Live it, Better than Life: How to Study the Bible and Like It, The Story of Water, and more. Her latest release, The Story of Home: God at Work in the Bible’s Tales of Home, is available for purchase today, Tuesday, March 14th. You can purchase a copy here.
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Show Notes
What do you love most about your physical, earthly home?
How would you define or describe “home?”
Is there anything we “get wrong” or believe incorrectly about “home?”
Where in Scripture do we see our first glimpse of “home?”
Can you describe for us what this first home (perfect home!) was like?
Where else do we see this story or concept of home described in Scripture?
What are some examples of “homes” in Scripture?
What are some specific ways that our experience of home might be tainted or limited on this side of the fall?
What encouragement would you have for women listening who struggle with this concept of home because “home” hasn’t always been a place of safety, security, or peace?
What does homesickness teach us?
What are some ways that we can or do experience glimpses of true home, even on this side of the fall?
How does this comprehensive, biblical understanding of “home” help us to better welcome others into our homes? Can we learn anything about decorating, cleaning, preparing, nesting?
Noteworthy Quotations
“Our homes on earth are not permanent, but they are a glimmer of something that is permanent.”
“Only God can create the perfect home.”
“As you look at the ways sin has affected your earthly home, remember to anticipate Christ’s return when Satan and Sin will be fully conquered.”
“There is a home that we experience because we are in Christ and also because Christ is in us. God has made his home in us.”
Recommended Resources
The Story of Home by Caroline Saunders
Habits of Grace by David Matthis
Scripture References
Genesis 1-2
Revelation 21, 22
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